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OCTOBER 15-22 | PHOTO-A-DAY 2014


October 15, 2014 | 7:30am | Amity

Once in a special while I allow a meal to be eaten on the couch.  Often it’s breakfast.  On a school day.  Because I’m in a hurry and need them to multi-task!  Our typical morning routine on a school day is wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, watch a 20 min show (while I finish getting ready), do hair, shoes, and coats then heard them into the car : )

Whats the green light on her breakfast plate?  I have no idea what it’s really called…a finger-brush-saber-light?!  She got it for her birthday and it was all the rage for a few days.  We even had to brush her back with the “green light” at night before bed.

October 15, 2014 | 6:22pm | Verity

How cool is this fancy new kid sized trampoline?!  Also a birthday gift : )  Amity and Greg had just left for Awana and I had the pleasant task of distracting Verity from a complete meltdown over not being able to “go too!!!”  Thankfully I had this new treasure in my back pocket and she quickly moved on to jumping.

October 16, 2014 | 10:15am | Amity

The girls and I went to the pumpkin patch at EZ Orchards on what turned out to be the most beautiful fall day.  We stood in line for fresh warm pumpkin donuts, raced ducks down gutters, fed a few animals, looked at pumpkins, and played on the huge tube slide.

October 16, 2014 | 10:25am | Verity

I wasn’t sure if Verity was going to be brave enough to make it to the top of this slide without me but I also knew that if I did it with her the first time I’d be stuck climbing this mountain of hay over and over for the next 20 minutes.  So I cheered her on, cajoled her, and had her sister help her.  She made it!  Then we had to convince her to come down the slide.  The first go around was lots of effort but she quickly got the hang of the whole thing and by the end was flying down the slide.  I had to drag her away when it was time to head home.

October 17, 2014 | 7:27pm | Verity

Oooo the concentration!  Putting together an Iron Man puzzle.  She is very lucky and once in awhile gets to pieces that just snap in place : )  She is very proud.

October 17, 2014 | 7:28pm | Amity

This is one of those photos that show me how much she’s grown up.  Such a KID now.  Not a toddler.  She has the patience and desire to do things like sit for longer amounts of time to read long books and complete puzzles.  I love her so.

October 18, 2014 | 6:35pm | Verity

Up at a park in Lake Oswego for a family session I was doing for our friends.  I’ve photographed this sweet family many times now and they are clients turned friends so I brought Greg and the girls.  After the photos were finished the three girls were super happy to sit next to the chicken coop and eat their smarties.  I mean, that does sound like toddler bliss, doesn’t it?

October 18, 2014 | 5:20pm | Amity

Have you seen the Curious George special: A Halloween Boo Fest?  We have.  Looooots of times.  That was pretty much their go-to show this month!  In the show the scary creature is a “no-noggin.” (A scare crow that had a pumpkin for a head but then lost its head…soooo….it had no noggin)  Anyways!  We arrived at the park and these scare crows were all over the community garden.  The girls were freaking out with excitement.  They couldn’t believe there were No-Noggins!!  Amity was really hesitant to even get this close to the No-Noggin for this photo.  But in the end, she was brave.

October 19, 2014 | 4:39pm | Amity

More family photo shoots!  I was photographing our friends Candace and Ryan and their kiddos.  About half way through Amity was really starting to loose her cool over something and we finally figured out it was because she wanted to be in the photo with Emberly!

October 19, 2014 | 4:49pm | Amity

Remember that time that Candace and Ryan had 5 kids?  Yeah…thats because they only have 3.  Apparently my kids only know how to be in FRONT of the camera and not behind it!!  haha!  Again…they sat themselves right into this group shot.  No one asked them to get in this!  Verity is looking very cozied up and in no hurry to move along.

October 20, 2014 | 6:24pm | Verity

Verity likes Lady and the Tramp.  Can you guess why?  Doggies!!  She was trying to convince me to put it on, but sorry girl, no dice.  Dinner was just about done.

October 20, 2014 | 6:26pm | Amity

We recently got these tables and chairs at IKEA for the girls to be able to sit down together and do art projects.  The price is certainly right so I really don’t care how grubby they get and they are the perfect size for their small bodies.  Craft away my little ladies!

October 21, 2014 | 3:15pm | Verity

October 21, 2014 | 4:02pm | Amity

I took Emily and Amity to the Gilbert House this afternoon and they had a blast.  They were so good and played hard!  Their favorite room was the theatre room .  They took turns being the “singer” and the “dancer.”  The dancer wore one of the dress-up ensembles and the singer did not but got to use the microphone.  So that’s cool.

October 22, 2014 | 5:28pm | Amity

I had just picked them up from school and as we were walking out the door Amity fixated on this puddle right away.  I was busy telling her “no…get in the car…don’t step in the puddle…don’t jump in the puddle…etc, etc.” when I thought…you know what?  Who cares?  Why not let them do it.  We are just going straight home anyhow.  Sometimes I get so busy instructing them on what they “should” be doing that I forget to stop and think about what they could be doing.  They have no sense of time and I have been really trying to slow down for them.  I feel like I’m constantly telling them to do this, hurry up, go here, hustle, time to do this…when maybe its just not.  Maybe it is a great time to jump in a puddle and get soaking wet.

October 22, 2014 | 5:29pm | Verity

And you know it…whatever big sissy does, she does it too!!  Splash!

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