Amity, how many times a day do Dad and Mom say out loud how beautiful you are! Your tiny features, innocent eyes, and constantly-changing facial expressions: they make us laugh and ooh and aah. Every moment, you give us glimpses into your personality: fun-loving, curious, mischievous, concerned, and caring. We feel so strongly the tension parents feel, that is, wanting you to grow up and at the same time wanting you to stay just as you are. We’re so grateful for these images to capture this 3-month milestone and frame it in time.
Love, Dad
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I just love her:) She is advancing so quickly! Good job you three!
I love her strawberry-blond fuzz! She’s precious Katie!!
Seriously, I cannot get over her! There are so many things I’m supposed to be getting done right now and I can’t stop staring at her pictures. Great photos Katie.
Sierra says, “My friend Amity loves me”.
Thank you so much! She is beautiful and looks so happy! Keep ’em coming.
I love the picture in the Aqua hooded sweater best — what a sweetie and thanks for sending!!!
Thank you so much for these photos. They are so gorgeous and I love looking at them. You guys are doing a great job with her and I am so glad that you take as many pics as you do. It helps me feel like I’m there =)
Just TOO cute Katie!! LOVE the one in green sweater!!!
When Amity can read, I hope she reads this and sees how much we all love her! These are amazing, Katie. Love you all-Aunt Courtney
ps-right before I sent this, but after I looked at the pics again, Grandma Bets sent me a text saying how awesome Amster is!