Who doesn’t love a good Before and After? I sure do! Always a sucker for them.
And in my line of work, that means putting your maternity photos side by side with your newborn photos. The sweetest kind of Before and After there is!
Kenzley’s mama is about 32-34 weeks pregnant in these photos (that’s when I typically recommend we take maternity pictures), and newborn Kenzley was 13 days old at her newborn session.
Having your maternity photos and newborn photos both taken at the studio helps make the two sets of photographs pair well together. Think cohesive wall displays, a beautiful album, and of course, a fun before and after post on Instagram!
Baby yawns…baby smiles — both so good.
I’ll tell you a little secret about the black and white photo on the right of newborn baby Kenzley here ↑
My daughter, Verity, took it! My kids don’t normally come to newborn sessions with me, but this was a special one for a family member, so they got to tag along. I definitely resorted to letting them play games on my phone to get the job done – and they did NOT like how hot it was! 🤪 But overall, I think they thought it was fun to see me doing a session.
She gave a few smiles that were sooooo cute! Gah!
The lace robe and pink gown are both available at my studio for your use at your maternity and/or newborn session. Feel free to either schedule a time to stop by the studio before your session or come a little early to your session to try stuff on.
Okay, one more Before and After post to leave you with ↑
Now, book your maternity and newborn sessions with me so you can create the sweetest Before and After collage of your life.
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